Il fantasma del Tempio di Firenze

Knights Templar in Chiantishire

In this booklet we have gathered much of the information we collected during the research for three documentary films dedicated to the presence of the Knights Templar in Florence, Siena and Chianti.
In the first part of the book we analyze the legend of the Ashes of the last Grand Master of the Temple, evaluating the hypothesis that they were carried out in Florence or, in any case, that some kind of post-Templar spirituality was preserved in Florence.

This would have happened after the Italian trial, that took place in Florence in 1311, the salient passages of which we will recount.

After the trial, the many Templar churches and houses were taken over by other orders, but according to local legends, some Templars or lay brothers continued to live in almost secret places in Chianti. The Templars already had hospitals in these areas, along the Francigena, on the Romea, and perhaps even in the mountains of San Michele.


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